I didn't know that you could get RGB output on a VHS recorder, surely, again, you can't put back what wasn't there.
This was a guess on my part. I seem to remember an old Thomson deck I had once having RGB outputs on the back, but I can't be certain. I do remember that the type of VHS deck you had made a massive difference to the quality of the output of the tape you were playing. I can remember trying out different decks in my local store on the massive (32" wow!) CRT I was buying at the time. I proved there not all VHS players are the same

What I haven't been able to do successfully is transfer slides/negatives to jpg's: I bought a PrimeFilm gizmo some years back, but it was never satisfactory,
My Dad has done a lot of this with our family back catalogue of negatives. He found a good scanner was needed and he ended up with a very expensive Konica (I think!) model that took slides, negatives and rolls of film, the ones that used to put the negatives back in the case for you. It seemed to take forever to scan each one, and needed a lot of correction in software, but the results were pretty good in the end. I think this is a time and patience game. Not fun.
It also helps if you read the manual first, and when asked to select the DPI make sure it's a high number, as like my Dad you may end up redoing them when you get half way through and realise the file size is tiny
