Originally Posted By: drakino
Other projects on the table since 2005 are listed here.

Well, that is a glimmmer of good news. I was only trying to point out that hydrogen isn't a "free" solution. With current technology it takes more energy to produce the hydrogen to fuel the cars than the hydrogen in the cars can produce, and that power has to come from somewhere. The people looking at the world through rose-colored glasses frequently conclude that "...if only we could convert all our cars to run on hydrogen our pollution problems would be solved" when in truth, again given current technology and state of the infrastructure, the problem would be exacerbated because newer cars (i.e., any car manufactured in the 21st Century) burn cleaner than coal-fired power plants which, in most of the country, provide significant amounts of our electrical power. Coal plants are the fastest and cheapest to build and if there were a sudden upsurge in demand for electrical power, that's what we'd see.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"