Mark, with the ones I just sent, feel free to post a comparison with the 5.1K installed (PNG's with "good" in the name).

Shonky, if I may humbly offer the correction;

100K in this case "sources" current. I2C is an open-drain bus where open-drain typically denotes that the device sinks on demand while the pull-up resistor sources the needed current/voltage to bring the bus to V+. (I know you know this. My fingers tend to type things I wasn't thinking too. It's like they are on autopilot. )

Anyway - changing to 5.1K works great. I'm guessing that whatever it mastering the I2C lines (whether it's a transistor for 3.3->5V conversion or the strongArm itself, it has to be able to sink current like any I2C bus device might.The DS1721 is specified by what voltage is measured on SDA at 2 current level. 3mA (0.4V) and 6mA (0.6V). I would guess that 1mA would be fine for all as achieved by 5.1K.)


Anyway -- let me know if I'm smoking too much of my own product. wink

Talk to yaz,


Edited by benjammin (05/01/2009 13:29)
Empeg Mk2 in fabulous green! Green Face, Green BackLit Buttons... GREEN...