This post ties-in with this thread started by Cris some months back.

I'm going to be hosting a 6-day road trip that starts on June 28th, 2009. Cris inspired the idea and there are already 4 empeg owners signed-on. Although it's being hosted under the New York Saab Owners Club banner, all types of vehicles are invited.

It would be cool to have more empeggers join us for all or part of the drive. Even if it's just to meet-up at one of the stops along the way.

At this point, most of the route is final. There is some slight refining to do for the last couple of days since quality of the drive itself is as important as the neat little stops. But, for the most part, this is it:

If you're interested in coming, please let me know. We're all set to have a fun time and the more the merrier.
-Rob Riccardelli
80GB 16MB MK2 090000736