Originally Posted By: mlord
Those two caps 220mf 3.5w

That's more likely 35V (as in volts, not watts).
What makes you think the caps have a wattage rating?


I saw the markings an recognized 220 as a common value, if the voltage (first line) had been marked with a V, I'd have most likely ignored the third line.

Yes I'm guilty of specializing in mechanical design with a bare minimum of formal electronics training.

I had a semester of electronics in High School in 1973. To be honest I learned enough to pass, to be able to build the average kit, recognize all the parts, but not quite enough to be more than a shade tree troubleshooter.

I was able to determine that one tuner was giving trouble over the other. Recordings made from poor signals always play back with the exact same errors. Dying drives don't playback errors reliably.

Actually I'm relearning that I should be more suspicious of the power supply. I had a S1 tivo that was cured of random crashes/reboots by replacing the power supply.
