a complete design abomination like rev 1
The Kindle v1 is much less atrocious in person than it is in pictures. I think this is due to the fact that it is smaller than a picture seems to indicate. Still not exactly a looker.
Indeed. I wonder who thought up that design. And I can't imagine how it got past product testing with those forward and back buttons spanning the entire sides of the screen. That was the #1 complaint I heard about the first model by far.
I love the idea of the Kindle, but I just don't read enough books or have the money to spend on it. I don't think it's
grossly overpriced, just a tad high, but I know that'll come down in the future as the display tech improves.
Where I could see this being really useful is if your local library system supplies ebooks. Mine does, but I haven't taken a look at the selection. I mean, I'm very happy to see that Amazon ebooks are less expensive than physical copies, but I still think they're a few dollars too much on average, just like I think digital music is about twice as expensive as it should be, given the difference in cost to the company putting them out.