Yup, I got sucked in to Travian again, just like last year. Now I must give away my account, again. I also have two other people who want to give away their accounts. Any takers?

Travian is a browser-based, online, multiplayer real-time strategy game. The trick is, you initiate actions in the game world, but they take time to complete, so you don't play interactively like WoW or an FPS. Log in at least once a day to check on things and react to any changes.

Build your villages, resource production and army. Interact with neighbors by forming alliances, trading resources and attacking. Work together with your alliance to attack the enemy or defend against them, conquer villages of other players, negotiate your way out of difficult situations.

For those who know the game:
My account is well developed. 8 villages, 3 15c's, rank ~650, in an alliance ranked ~43, decent army, ~never attacked. The alliance is non-aggressive and defensive, made up of normal mature people like empegBBS members. The trick is, I'm the General of the alliance, coordinating all defenses and attacks, and there are a handful of them. You could fill those shoes if you want, or ditch it and keep playing the account.

The other two accounts (in the same alliance) are also developed. One could develop the alliance-wide hammer army, the other is more Sim City but has potential.

Oh, and Dignan is playing on the server too, and I have a village near his.

This is your opportunity if you like Travian and want nice accounts without the boring early development. Or jump in for the first time and the team will help you out.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set