Originally Posted By: tfabris

Definitely get the official Xbox part. It plugs in cleanly, snaps to the casing of the Xbox like it was meant to, works perfectly, and hasn't presented the slightest problem for me. Setting up a third-party wireless bridge will work, but it's a pain to do, requires you get a laptop into the act, and even after it's working it will need to be rebooted occasionally. But if you get the Xbox part, you just plug it in, turn on the Xbox, and enter all the network settings right there with the game controller and then it Just Works after that.

I concur. My roommate tried going with an aftermarket thing (some gamer wireless hub if I remember correctly) and it was just too hard. He broke down and got the Xbox part and had no problems with it. Since he moved the machine back to the AV rack he went back to wired, though.

Originally Posted By: tfabris

I do want to point out how awesome the Playstation 3 is in this regard: Wifi is built-in, as is HDMI, I didn't need adapters for those things like I need for the Xbox.

I was never able to get my PS3 wireless to work. I'm not sure if the signal wasn't strong enough for it or what. The Wii, which is on the same rack right below the PS3, had no problems at all and was the easiest wireless setup I ever had to do.