Originally Posted By: StigOE
I had somewhat of a similar problem recently. I had turned off my computer and when I turned it on a couple of days later, the monitors wouldn't come on and I wouldn't get the passed-POST-beep. ... One time I tried, I had managed to unplug the cable going to a 7-port powered hub and it passed the POST. ... the machine would start up when the hub was unplugged. ... This was a 7-port powered hub from DX.


I had (still have) exactly that problem, and I am convinced that Tony absolutely nailed the cause. The problem persists to this day, and I have just learned to live with it by briefly unplugging the power supply to the hub on reboot if I have powered down the whole system. BTW, the hub seems to work just fine whether its power supply is connected or not.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"