After almost 10 faithful years, my empeg is having problems. I went through a period of time where the empeg would often fail to find the hard drive. I wouldn't be surprised if the drive is actually bad. I ditched my original 12 gig drive years ago, and the 40 that I'm using now is from an old laptop, so it has many years of service on it.

At this point, the empeg boots up 90% of time, but it never remembers the playlist. It boots up to a blank playlist and I have to manually select something to play.

I am thinking of replacing the drive, but I no longer have the serial cable for installing a new drive. Does my problem sound like a bad drive? Should I bother? If so, what exactly do I need as far as a serial cable goes?

Secondly, my girlfriend is bidding on a used MKII now. Is there some viable version of Emplode that works on a Mac?

Edited by jstrain (25/03/2009 18:06)
12 gig, green...