For contrast, all the "coincidences" in the first few episodes of season 1 of Heroes, where these people kept bumping into each other, didn't feel nearly as forced, yet it still required the heavy hand of the writer to make it happen.
Yes, you ended up sort-of believing that a side-effect of the superpower mutation was to have the people subconsciously attracted to the same situations and locations, so their paths would cross disproportionately often. (And that this was a bit like the "the human species as one single organism subconsciously realises that it needs to renew itself and strike out in new directions" thing from Dune.) But that explanation for the coincidences did count against one of the authors' reveals, as
the way so many of the heroes were linked in some way to Linderman, made it seem like Linderman must be a mutant too, long before we actually find that out.