Originally Posted By: Attack
I don't know of a way to do this with any built in Windows tools.

FileLocator Pro will let you save the results of a search. You can use it for 30 days then it needs to be registered. They still have the freeware version called Agent Ransack available but I don't remember if you can save your search results with it.

Below is the feature list for Agent Ransack:

Agent Ransack™

Regular expression support for file name and contents
Highly efficient search algorithms
Immediate file contents search results
Export results to Text, CSV
Expression Wizard
Basic and Advanced interface
Detailed help file
Command line options

The fourth feature is the one that interests me!

It would be nicer if the program could somehow use the index that Vista has created for its own search purposes. The Vista search (across 131 GB of MP3 files) is literally instantaneous. It actually completes the search and displays the results before I finish typing in the search terms! I have Agent Ransack running as I type this, and it looks like it is going to take about 40 minutes to complete the search. I didn't parameterize the search with size and date limitations; perhaps if I had done that it would have sped up the search if it didn't have to do a text search on files that would have been disallowed by size/date.

Oh, yes! Search finished, I re-ran it with size/date restrictions, instead of 40 minutes it ran in 90 seconds. Much faster, and results were identical. Filtering only by date instead of date and size took an extra 15 seconds.

Saving to the text file worked just fine.

Thanks for showing me this.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"