The reason one might disable it is if you totally hate the blurriness of the digital zoom and, as Robricc said, don't want to accidentally push past that "pause" no matter what.

Makes little sense to me to preclude even the possibility of getting a photo (even at reduced quality) that you might otherwise have gotten.

Although I suppose that isn't really the case -- the shot taken at 18x then cropped and blown up via imaging software in your computer to give the same field of view that the camera would have seen at 72x would be the same as if you had actually taken the picture at 72x to begin with. Maybe even better quality if the imaging software in the computer is better than the camera's.

I'll leave the digital zoom on if for no other reason than it provides me with a pretty good binocu... uhhh, monocular.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"