I did all my ranting on Facebook.
The Blade Runner and League of Gentleman's Apocalypse rip off references struck me as the actions of a desperate writer. The thing that really pissed me off was actually the fan's reaction. I read a couple of posts on the official Red Dwarf fan site and the feeling was that if you didn't think those episodes were the best TV programmes ever made you were wrong and an idiot. Fans like that do a franchise no good.
Everything after Series VI has been rubbish. It's become quite apparent to me that Doug Naylor cannot write Red Dwarf without Rob Grant.
I would love dearly to see another series made, but I think it would be worse than series 7 and 8 were. I also think the actors are getting a little too long in the tooth. Much in the same way I'd love to see a 3rd series of Spaced but Pegg and Stevenson have decided they're too old to make it true to the other two.
At least I have my DVD's of series 1 to 6 to remember a great show by.
Andy M