I hope Bitt is taking note that I'm being critical of Apple.

The iPhone is going to keep smoking the competition, but there's tons of room for improvement and plenty of market for thousands of better apps.
I'm just amazed at al the clueless bloggers who think that Cut and Paste was even in the top ten of most important things the iPhone needs. Cut and Paste isn't nearly as useful when there's no document support on the platform. The iPhone's biggest missing feature is a shared document space.
The next biggest problem is that Apple's app design has focused far too heavily on an always-connected paradigm, which makes many of their applications useless or next to useless when you don't have a live internet connection. Examples: Safari, Maps, YouTube, Weather. Safari doesn't even have the ability to cache worth a damn, let alone store downloads such as PDFs. If you open another "tab" after "viewing" a large PDF, have fun while it downloads again when you switch back to it. Have I mentioned I hate mobile Safari with a passion? It's the "real" web as much as using Lynx is the real web.
Of course the omnipresent blogosphere only focuses on its lack of Flash - which is as important or useful as having a second asshole.