Yes, are trying to apply pressure to the governments of UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Mexico to arrest Joseph Kony and his henchmen. I'm assuming this would happen through the UN if enough support could be found.

I'm not familiar enough with the organization to know what the plan is for the child soldiers after that happens. I think that at this point they're more worried about getting some sort of action from governments that would rather look the other way.

I'll ask my housemate when she returns for more details.

From the FAQ:

Where does money donated to Invisible Children, Inc. go?
Invisible Children has taken a unique approach to the situation in northern Uganda. As the longest running war in Africa, our primary goal is a peaceful solution to the end of this conflict. Consequently, 50% of our programming budget is utilized in bringing awareness to the situation and promoting international support of the peace process taking place. At the same time, there is a dire need for relief in northern Uganda, especially when it comes to the region’s youth. The remaining 50% of our budget provides top-notch programming for affected children and their families.

Our focus on the ground is developing a new generation of leaders in northern Uganda, and this is accomplished through the provision of educational scholarships, mentorship, and the rebuilding of secondary academic institutions. Our hope is that, by focusing partially on immediate relief in northern Uganda as well as long-term change in the region, we can have the most positive effect with the resources provided.

When it comes to accountability, we have the highest standards, and our media and websites excel in informing donors as to the impact of their support. Our financial reports are available on the website under the “Financials” section (

For donors looking for an opportunity to give directly to programming in northern Uganda, the Schools for Schools program pledges at least 90% of donations will be used in the rebuilding of our partner schools, with less than 10% reserved to implement these funds.

Whether you are interested in having your donation support both the effort to raise awareness and provide relief in northern Uganda, or you simply want to support educational programming in the region, we appreciate your consideration of donating to Invisible Children.

~ John