Back-story: I needed USB storage so I could "hack" my AppleTV to run Boxee. All I had handy was my USB card reader and the main SD card that I used with my camera. Whatever, it worked fine.

Then I put the card back in the camera (Panasonic LX3), formatted it, and started shooting. My Mac now complains when trying to mount the card, with some variation on this theme: "mount_msdos: Unsupported sector size (34952)".

At this point, I'm assuming that the card has whatever Linux boot format that the AppleTV hack installer used plus whatever "minimal" formatting that the Panasonic camera did, which was probably assuming the card was FAT32 the whole time, which it wasn't in order to be a Linux boot image for the AppleTV.

Despite all of this, the camera happily let me shoot a bunch of pictures that I'd now like to extract. I'm presently running TestDisk to see if it can sort anything out. (The companion tool, PhotoRec, doesn't claim to understand the latest raw file format used by Panasonic/Leica for this camera, so that would seem less likely to succeed. EDIT: the "work in progress" version does claim to support it, so I'm now running that to see how it does.)

Quoth TestDisk, currently grinding away:
Analyse Disk /dev/rdisk1 - 16 GB / 15 GiB - CHS 31978496 1 1
Current partition structure:
Bad GPT partition, invalid signature.

Any advice on how to proceed on this? I'd rather not lose a whole day's shooting with the camera. If TestDisk fails, what's next?

Edited by DWallach (16/05/2009 15:44)