This morning I was overcome with a fit of hiccups. I couldn't tell you what brought it on- I don't know.
They were hitting me at a pretty good rate. It felt like about one every five seconds for more than a minute.

My curiosity kicked in- "Nah- can't be every 5 seconds!"
I started watching the second hand on my watch, gathering the duration between hiccup data.
10 seconds (hiccup)
15 seconds (hiccup)
35 seconds (hiccup)
I watched for a full minute after the last one and I haven't been bothered since.

So- is this something like 'A watched pot doesn't boil' or more likely 'second hand sweep hypnotism'?
Previously I've tried relaxation exercises and flexing my diaphragm to try to ward off the spasms, but these attempts have never worked so well as what just happened with my watch.

All I know is that next time I get the hiccups I'm going to try it again.
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)