So while my car was offroad I decided to properly tag all my mp3's, delete all the music off my mp3, and upload the retagged files, along with a bunch more onto my mk1. There's about 10,000 songs totalling around 50gb, and I had to do the upload in 2 parts as emplode would refuse to upload the music otherwise.
I had a few problems with syncing and the building database message taking for ever, so I followed the instructions in the FAQ and that seems to be resolved now, however the empeg refuses to play anything. If I choose a song, or a playlist or whatever, it appears to all work fine, but when I go to play it it displays the play symbol, but never actually begins to play the song. The counter doesn't change, the progress bar doesn't change, for all purposes it appears to be paused, but it's not.
I'm running hijack 508, the serial log appears fine, although ever time a new song is loaded I get the message:
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 294:Filling up space (-17)
Although the number in the brackets changes.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Hopefully I don't have to wipe the disk and start again, it takes a LONG time to upload that much music onto a Mk1