While we're on the subject, why is it that nearly all these battery backups tout the fact that they have an alarm when on battery power? I hate those damn alarms. I have four battery backups at home, and when the power goes out it's a cacophony of beeping. It wouldn't be too bad if only there was an easy way to turn these alarms off.
Agreed completely. These things pointlessly and annoyingly tell me the obvious: That my power just went out. Like I couldn't tell!?
Hopefully the alarm is permanently defeatable. If not, you can always crack it open and snip the piezo transducer off of the board. I did that on one UPS of mine.
What these things really need is a quiet occasional chirp to notify me when their batteries are dead and need to be replaced. I've had too many instances when the power does go out and the backup units fail because of an old battery I didn't know was dead.