Originally Posted By: mlord
(1) had a fast comms/expansion port,

Ok, I'll give you this. It would be nice to get a much higher transfer rate moving stuff onto or off of the empeg drives. But apart from that, for music playback, the limitations are now, and would continue to be, in the software.

If you built something brand new you could potentially slap some other existing software onto it. But at that point it's not really any part empeg.

So for me, with the existing software, I'd like to be able to move music to the device at a much faster speed. I wouldn't want to give up the existing display unless it could be replaced with something with greater clarity.

If we're talking about new software. Then the sky's the limit and I'm sure it can be discussed to death forever. With fast enough hardware it might even make sense to just get Slim Center and SqueezePlay running on it. At least that's something achievable, unlike writing brand new software.
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