Speaking of roadside assistance, I'm watching some pretty incredable news right now in Houston, Texas. We're having some of the biggest floding we've had in years. The had some footage of some guys in a suburban drive up of one underwater area, unstrap a canoe from the roof of their car, and start ferrying people out of second floor windows of this apartment complex. Now that's roadside assistance.

Our bayous are overflowing like 6 feet above normal level, and entire sections of major freeways are underwater. There was this awesome shot earlier of some 18 wheelers that were literally being swept down Interstate 10 in the current. You could only see the tops of them, but you could tell when they would hit submerged cars and guardrails and the like. Luckily my area wasn't hit too hard. Our power only flickered a few times (UPSs rule!) and although our area got 14" of rain (35.5 cm) it never got more than a few inches high in my street.

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