Nicely done. What sort of camera did you use?
My camera is laid out like an SLR (Panasonic DMC-50Z) with the shutter release reachable only with the right hand, while camera support and focusing is done with the left. I ended up having to preset the focus manually, then use the 10 second timer to start the shutter release countdown while I transferred the camera to my left hand, moving my right hand into the picture in time for the actual exposure.
I still haven't figured out why the split in that nail has remained for nearly two years though. It suggests that there is some underlying pathology there causing the nail to split as it grows out. It never gets worse (unless I accidentally bang the nail on something which is why I keep it cut so short) but it never gets better, either. [Bitt: Should that be "neither" rather than "either"?] A puzzling annoyance.
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"