I think both computers will definitely need to add music. But that's not a big deal. I'm almost never going to be in iTunes anyway, and the number of times we'd both need to have it open at the same time would be miniscule.

Bruno, you're right, it's sort of the same as just moving all the files manually, but this has the benefit of some level of certainty. iTunes knows where all the music is to start with, so it will make sure that it moves everything to the folder you specify.

But to clarify, you don't have to let iTunes maintain the music to make this work (that checkbox right under the library location section of the advanced preferences). I had that box unchecked and this method still worked. Now all the music is basically under Z:\Music. The iTunes library files are in a different folder (Z:\iTunes, I believe). Now I just move music over to the NAS into the Music folder, and add it to iTunes. It's working pretty well, actually.

Originally Posted By: drakino
I'd make sure to backup the library files from time to time, just to make sure nothing bad happens. iTunes writes to it quite a bit, due to the music count and last played tracking. Also, you can turn on music sharing more as a reminder that the other instance is on. If you see something under "Shared", it's time to go close down the iTunes instance on the other machine. This will require the Bonjour service to be kept on though.

Oh, I'm definitely going to back up regularly. I don't want to rebuild this thing. Ugh. I'm also less than 100% confident about the NAS enclosure I got wink So yes, very regular backups will be done.

I don't think I'll need to do the sharing thing, but that's a good idea. If her computer was in another part of the home instead of directly behind me I'd probably do just that. So yes, I'll kill Bonjour in addition to the other two or three services.