Originally Posted By: JBjorgen
yeah...age has not been kind to my hairline. In my dreams, I still look like my avatar photo.

My Mom is one of 2 surviving sibs out of 14 (your basic Portuguese immigrant dairy farm family). If I remember right, 8 or 9 of her 11 brothers were bald before age 25. That really helped reinforce the notion of bald-is-normal/beautiful (they were/are some serious dudes). I feel sorry for guys that have to stress out all day over their comb-over, rug or Rogaine.

Heh, good work on the PCC sign. I pedalled across the bridge and through that Fremont+34th intersection around 6AM today and then again at 5:30 PM. No sign of youse guys.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.