Who's talking about WEP? I specifically mentioned "My WPA2 password is longer than 13 characters."

My network is currently using WPA/WPA2 Personal. I used to use specifically WPA2/AES, but unfortunately some devices, like the Wii, don't support the same security as a $5 router.

I've never bothered using WEP. Anyone who knew enough to try and snoop packets would break the encryption, and those that didn't were easily kept out with a simple MAC address white-list.

Windows recognized the network was using WPA. It said specifically, that the WPA (not WEP) pass needed to be exactly 13 characters. Not a maximum of 13, not a minimum of 13. Exactly 13.

The security framework discussion in that PDF file starts on Page 155, and the RSNA-specific protocol stuff starts at 165. Or one can get the reader's digest version at Wikipedia searching for WPA or WPA2.
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