This is a wake up call!
You have great looking car and obviously go to some wonderful countryside. Why not drive to a nice location and go for a quick walk? You have the tunes in the car and you can have the tunes with you on the walk, just dont forget to take the headphones off and admire the quiet.

I'm waiting for software companies to make databases for just this purpose. YOu have hi-fidelity in the car and lo-fi on the portable. Rippers allow you to set different devices and encoding levels for each then make backups to CDRs and keep a catalog of it. When you want to load a song onto your player, just look up the DB and insert the CD.
Just my grand-plan-pipe-dream. listening sonicblue?

Or you could give it to me!

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?