1. We don't keep the original pathname anywhere, so editing tracks on the player wouldn't propogate back to the files on your local disk.

Good point, I was only thinking about editing tags before sync.

2. Once the files are on the player, we don't look at the ID3 tags again, so there's no point.

Yes, it's not important whether the copies on the player have the edited ID3 tags in; it only makes any difference for the copies on the PC.

I did consider (and am still considering) writing the ID3 tags back to newly imported files (we still have the path before we sync).

Smart. Emplode has a better tag-editing UI than anything else I've seen [*]; it's jsut a shame that it's not a tag editor...


[*] Except for the one I wrote ; but, as that's Unix-only, Emplode is still the best Windows one.