I'm looking a little project that involves putting a Mini-ITX board in a 3U box with a touchscreen TFT on the front for control. At the moment I plan on taking this display, cracking it open (thereby voiding any warranty it has) and mounting it in the box and feeding it off the VGA connector on the motherboard.

Pretty much all the ITX motherboards I've looked at have an LVDS connector and an inverter drive. As an integrated solution it sounds like a better idea to just get a plain panel and drive it with the LVDS port. It seems like there would be more options regarding panel size and resolution. My only question is, does anyone recommend a reputable place to buy a panel from that doesn't require a MOQ off 1000? The only place I've found so far is www.earthlcd.com, but the prices seem pretty high.

Also, if people think this is just going to open a big box of hurt and I should just stick with a VGA driven one then speak up.

Andy M