Aha! You need to add this property to your innerbox:
Except some browsers (ahem IE6) don't support that property on items that aren't supposed to regularly be inline. But.... Maybe it will still work, because if it's ignored IE6 still does what I want it to do.
Kind of bloody dumb-ass to have to change the display property of a DIV which is already a block element to one that will now be inline and block. Because in this situation we don't actually want the block to be inline at all.
EDIT: Tested and it works beautifully. Thanks for the tip/reminder. This is probably something I've already run into and corrected long ago in a number of styles, but I haven't done any CSS in a while so I forget stuff like this. Sometimes I just find something that works and I don't even bother to figure out exactly what precisely caused it to work. As long as I'm writing valid CSS, I'm happy.