Originally Posted By: FireFox31
Primary targets include college textbooks and scientific reference material from 10 to 50 years old.

Keep the cool ones. I have here a New Scientist from 1962 which includes an article on "cytoplasmic inheritance" in which they've basically discovered mitochondrial DNA but don't know it yet; an article about training pigeons to work on assembly lines pecking at defective products to mark them out; and, best of all, an article on "the world's most powerful computer", Atlas, an actually not bad at all 0.5MIPS peak, including the splendid remark "a laboratory 'lash-up' would be made sooner than this", using "lash-up" in exactly the modern sense.

My dad has a geology textbook from the 1930s which predates the theory of plate tectonics, and thus in many important areas of geology frankly admits that people have no idea what's going on.
