Originally Posted By: wfaulk
Originally Posted By: Dignan
there are no phone jacks in the house, just RJ45 ports

I know you said POTS is unneeded, but you can plug RJ11/RJ12 plugs into RJ45 jacks.

Oh I understand, and as I said, That's how they have it wired now. They appear to have only wired one jack in the home for phone, and set up a DECT phone system on that jack so they didn't have to wire the rest of them (I'm assuming all of this).

Originally Posted By: Dignan
I can't tell where the individual wires from the various jacks come out, but it doesn't appear like they are connected - does that make sense?

No, I don't follow.

I just meant that I estimate there are anywhere from 8 to 15 RJ45 wall jacks in the home, yet I saw nothing in the closet in the basement with 8-15 wires plugged in. But there's nowhere else in the house I can think of that they might return to...

Originally Posted By: Dignan
there's a block on the wall where the used Cat5 connections come in, and it is mostly unused

A punchdown panel, more-or-less like this? (There are many different sorts.)

Maybe a picture would help?

It doesn't look quite like that. It looks more like those blocks you see in telephone closets, but this one is actually marked "Cat5."

Generally speaking, in a setup like this, you'll have all of your jacks throughout the house terminated in the closet. It sounds like maybe the cables are run to the closet, but they're not actually terminated anywhere?

That appears to be the case, but now I just need to find the jack.

I'll be getting into the house on Friday morning, so I'll take some pictures...