I'm very interested. I've been using the G1 for almost a year now, and the OS is severely - I say severely - hindered by the hardware. Every time I pick up my wife's 3GS and do something as simple as swipe between screens or...well...anything, I get insanely jealous of the speed.

I've rooted my G1, have apps2sd, and am fastidious about monitoring open apps. My phone is as fast as a G1 can be, and it still drives me bonkers.

All that said, I thought I saw, in the leaked specs for the Droid**, that the processor was 5xx MHz. I'm pretty sure the G1 has a 5xx MHz CPU. That concerns me greatly.

I think I'm going to wait for one of the models built on the Snapdragon platform...

**or whatever it's going to be called - they're still not clear on whether "Droid" refers to a handset or a line