So the Xperia X10 has been announced. Unfortunately it appears that it's still not quite out of the oven, so it's hard to assess exactly what it's going to be like. I'm sure the performance issues they experienced will be gone come release day. But I can offer my opinion on the ideas they present:

I love the enhanced media portion of the phone, as the stock Android music player is garbage and there is no stock video player. But I still don't get this whole idea that several of these companies have to combine all of my notifications into one stream. Sure, in concept it sounds great, and I know most of them allow you to filter out elements you don't want, but what bothers me is giving equal weight to things. I don't want my Twitter updates (I follow people I don't know personally) to be lumped in with my Facebook updates. I don't get a lot of text messages, so I don't want them to get lost in a sea of status updates. And nothing is more valuable to me than email. I don't want someone saying "Good morning everyone!" and pushing down that urgent email my client was trying to get to me.

Again, they offer ways to filter all this out, and everything looks all pretty, but you know what? Sometimes pretty is inefficient. I can't imagine sifting through my emails in those stacks. I much prefer just having my boring old list in the GMail app.

So what I have now isn't pretty, but it gets the job done. So far I think the Droid fits me better. Now I only have to decide whether I want to lock myself in with Verizon...