Originally Posted By: hybrid8
Whale Wars

I really don't understand how they are not classed as a vigilante terrorist group. That programs does nothing but highlight what a total bunch of idiots those people are. If I were to back an anti whaling campaign it certainly wouldn't be them.

They are their own worst enemy, and imagine making a program that is broadcast around the world to highlight your total lack in ability to prevent whaling. The Japanese fleet must piss their pants when they watch it back.

I'm not clued up enough on whaling to figure out which side is right, and would class the over killing of whales in the same class of concern I have for lots of other ocean species. The only thing I know is that no matter what they do on Sea Shepherd all they will do is make it worse. I say next time their ship is sailing anywhere near Somalia those pirates should hijack and take over the operation, at least you'd have someone in charge who had half an idea of what they were doing.

