There's no multi-touch zoom in any Google app. Only on some apps installed by either Motorola (in other markets) or the carrier. Same goes for the other Android phone models. All in all the experience from phone to phone is quite different. They're going to need to work that out if they want to have any hope of becoming a meaningful platform rather than simply a high-volume OS no-one actually knows about. This would kill any hopes of a popular app store for Android.

SD card storage? Ok, that would be a plus, but should hardly be a requirement. Is it too much to ask for built-in storage that's not cutting edge for 8 or 9 years ago? (256MB - my toothbrush runs on a single AA and has that much memory). With all the hoopla and those flashy Droid commercials you'd think the phone actually had some guts. Don't tell me it's also using USB 1.1? Oh wait, maybe it needs a serial port, or better still, IrDA. wink

My predictions for Android's longevity are mainly because of Google's deep pockets, persistence and the gratis nature of the open Android platform, making it attractive to handset makers and carriers. Not because I think they can design a decent OS or apps. Frankly, IMO, Google's current app and UI designs leave a lot to be desired, especially on the desktop/web. One could make at least the financial and persistence argument about Microsoft, but they've already had their chance at throwing money at this problem, but keep getting in their own way for extreme lack of direction and consistency. Persistence in the market doesn't mean anything when you're continually changing what you're hawking for arbitrary reasons.
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