Heh. I thought about that. And although they are a fantastic live band, and although I love watching their concert films, I stop short of recommending their concert films for a few reasons:
1. Musically, they are an acquired taste.
2. Their concert films are good, but unless you're already a Rush fan, you probably won't be engrossed by the film in the way a fan would be.
3. If you're already a Rush fan, you already own their concert films anyway and don't need the recommendation. Rush fandom tends to be like that.
Conversely, Secret World and Stop Making Sense will always captivate even a non-fan of those artists. On multiple occasions, I've put those films on the TV for the purpose of just having a background playing while we all worked on our laptops or some such, and without exception, everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and couldn't take their eyes off the screen.