The BBS was a lot of fun, but I wouldn't want the phone bills, or the 300 or 1200/75 baud connections again!
Yea, I hear that! Mt first modem was a 1200 model, I got it after a friend upgraded to a whopping 2400. In those days we used to go to computer fairs where you could get ex-corporate gear really cheap, but I can remember a 2400 being a really big deal and quite expensive.
Shrewsbury, where I am from lags behind the rest of the world, so in 1994 we must have been amongst a handful of people in the town doing this stuff. I can remember the first internet experience I had, I don't think I quite got it at the time. My mate had a Compuserve account and we used their gateway, I remember it being very very slow

I wish I could remember the name of the BBS I used to dial into, there was one locally to me in Ironbridge (of all places) and then another one I dialed long distance to, but at the moment it's lost in the archive section of the noggin.
I remember those times with great fondness, it really felt like we were doing something. The documentary brings up the topic that the internet seems somewhat removed where as BBS's felt very real and personal, and I think that's true on the whole. Even in a community like this.
Good times. It has got me looking for my old backup disks...