I've been doing a little research for my brother in law on phones that are good for texting and pretty much nothing else. It's a little difficult, though.

At the moment he has a Motorola candybar phone that apparently doesn't even have T9, so it takes him forever to type out a text on it.

What he'd like is a GSM phone with a full QWERTY keyboard, that could be found unlocked for pretty cheap.

Does anyone have any ideas? I don't think he cares if it's used, as he found his current on on ebay. He doesn't want/need smartphone capabilities, as he doesn't have interest in checking email or getting web access, and mostly doesn't want the data plan that goes along with it. He also doesn't want to get into another contract, so he'd rather buy a used phone at a slightly higher cost than some phone they'd give you for free or something through the carrier.

Any ideas?