Cris - That's great entrepreneurial and educational advice. I see your photos occasionally on Facebook and they always catch my attention. So, you're largely self taught? Impressive! How did you build the initial public interest in your work?
Yea, pretty much self taught. There was a lot of trial and error in both technique and equipment required, but slowly I got better. I have spent a total of 3 days with an industry leading photoshop touchup guru, at quite a considerable cost I might add, and this is the only real bit of paid tuition I have taken. It was worth every penny to sit next to someone who's work I really admire and watch what he did to my pictures, then explain it all.
I think breaking into Photography is a little simpler to break into than what you are looking at doing. My industry is largely made up of individual Photographers all trying to make a living, so all you really need to do is build a reputation and create a sense of worth about your work. Fashion and trends seem to be a big player and I try and keep on top of what people want from Photographs of themselves.
But, it's still a creative industry so there will be some parallels. I am still working on gaining the publics interest, but I did it by doing work for free basically and shooting lots of models to practice my techniques. I get referrals from each wedding I shoot and that leads onto more work. I also spent quite a bit of time making the effort with other local Photographers, helping them out on their shoots, networking a bit and trying to be part of the pack. I would suggest this is something you try and do if you can, as while it is difficult to say how much paid work it has brought me I now have a small network of colleagues (in a way) that I can discuss things with, and get honest professional feedback without getting upset about it

A demo reel question - I assume I'll need to specialize in, at most, a few areas of the graphics industry. To develop a reel, would I work with a team to which I contribute my expertise? Then, when showing the reel, ask employers/clients to focus on my contribution?
I would try and think about someone trying to break into the industry you are in now, what would impress you? What would you take note of and think this guy really has got something? For me personally, when I meet other Photographer wannabes, it's the passion and deep seated interest in their chosen subject that is clearly visible. There are lots of try hards (maybe I'm one of them?) but the people with a genuine interest and a talent shine through in their example work. If only simple, for me, a demo reel would have to be yours, highlighting your skill areas with a focus on your passion for the industry, ie showing that you have put the hours in during your spare time to drive to learn. It doesn't need to be industry leading, but be original, creative and unique.