Originally Posted By: wfaulk
I'd drop Helvetica altogether. It doesn't have the right feel for your site, which, since it's geared towards weddings, should have a more formal feel, and no grotesque font is going to give you that. I think a light serifed font, or if you feel like you need some weight, a humanist font, would work much better.

Font choice is a very subtle and touchy subject, and is entirely subjective. Personally, I think the site looks great with a san-serif font like Helvetica. I don't think it's a bad font at all. I only bring this up to make the point that fonts are a personal and stylistic choice, and that opinions will vary.

Outside of the subjective part of the font choice, one possible logical argument *for* Helvetica could be: The photographs on a photographer's web site should be garnering all the attention, and that the font should be as plain and as neutral as possible, as another way to deliberately draw attention to the images and away from the text.
Tony Fabris