We all know how truthful the Russian government can be. It seems too much like an easy explanation to dismiss it and forget about it.

It's kinda humorous (and intriguing) that it was an eventful day at the large hadron collider on the very same day as the spiral. Quote from the article:

The various tinfoil-chapeau'd LHC doom prophets, who believe that the mighty experiment is sure to destroy the world and/or universe in some kind of black-hole blunder, runaway conceptual custardisation process, "collaptical explosion" etc, will no doubt be hugely frustrated today. Yet again, the promised apocalypse has failed to materialise.

Those laymen who follow quality science analysis, meanwhile, are well aware that the LHC is not in fact a doomsday machine - but it does have the potential to create a portal from our humdrum 4D space-time to some as yet unknown extradimensional continuum*.