
The backup issue has been covered quite well on this board. I think theres an faq entry on this very subject and it links to some of the threads there. http://empeg.comms.net/php/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=faq&Number=22054&page=3&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&part=
Its much easier to just keep a backup of your whole collection on the computer and if theres a problem with the empeg, just drag and drop the whole thing
into emplode and your done. Frank has written a small program the uses displayserver to copy the files over to your computer. The only problem with it is the 4 gig limitation on files.

As far as the second issue check into frank's displayserver. Its an awesome little utility that turns the empeg into a mini web server. You can use it to stream songs over ethernet into winamp. You can find it at the following address: http://fvgestel.dyndns.org/empeg/displayserver1.1/ the directions on how to install it are in the readme file. There are other sets of directions on this board somewhere, just do a search and you will come across them. You will need to have some knowledge of linux to install and use these utilities.
