Originally Posted By: thenominous
I've put the app up here: http://www.nominous.com/empeg-wideband if someone could please verify that it's working ok ?

It's the complied version of the Innovate wideband reader/display source which was posted quite a while ago.

I think you've used the wrong compiler. That file appears to be EABI (ABIv5) (judging from arm-linux-readelf -e), whereas the car-player is "old ABI".

You're getting a "exec failed" sort of error because it requires the EABI dynamic loader (/lib/ld-linux.so.3), which isn't present; an old-ABI program uses the old-ABI dynamic loader (/lib/ld-linux.so.2).

Where did you get your ARM compiler? Mark Lord's page has binaries of a suitable cross-compiler from x86 Linux (search for "armtools-empeg").
