Originally Posted By: mlord
Hmm.. being Logitech mice, I suppose they're under some kind of warranty, but shipping costs would likely kill that deal.
A 'warranty' these days is mostly a 'feel-good' selling angle.
fine print translation: "Sure, we'll warranty that for you! You are responsible for sending it to and from our repair center and a nominal repair fee, but the parts are free! You're better off buying another one of our pieces of crap than trying to fix the one you've got. Or, you could be smarter and just buy something else that's better quality..."

Nice fix on the mice! A neat afternoon project for you, I bet.
I love it when the power to repair something is within your own means. That's what I find frustrating about flash cards that go bad. There's absolutely no way to do anything about it.
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)