Originally Posted By: Attack
Can you post a sample file that it doesn't work on?

Not easily, and it is data that I'd prefer not to publish.

The file is large (1800+ rows) and the problem is erratic and intermittent.

I've been playing with it and experimenting, and the problem arises when I am adding rows to the bottom of the file. The file is sorted on the first column, with new obviously unsorted rows added to the bottom. If I add a new cell starting with a letter near the end of the alphabet so that it is auto-completing from a cell that is physically near by, it is more likely to auto complete than if I add a cell starting with A or B. But not always.

I experimented by adding new cells (rows) at the bottom that matched cells known to exist above, and sometimes it would auto complete, other times not, and sometimes it would auto complete a cell that it had refused to auto-complete less than a minute earlier. I would try and match "Bohjalian", and it would not auto complete, so I would erase that and try "Blackstock" and that would auto complete, then I'd try "Bohjalian" again... and it would then auto complete. It's as if, after failing to auto complete (and deleting the "failed" cell), if I managed to successfully auto complete a different cell then the first one (the failed attempt) would work.

So, the auto complete is working. Sort of. But not reliably or consistently.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"