Yeah, I took care to say "judged score component" rather than "involve judgement" or "have a subjective component." Games are won and lost on referee decisions from time to time, but sports like figure skating and gymnastics are almost entirely determined by judges, and they have components of the scores that are basically fudge factors -- how much they liked the routines. "Artistic expression" or whatever they call it. Tenths of points can be deducted for minor things that only one or two judges will see, and those same judges will ignore those same minor flaws for the next athlete, for no discernible reason.

It all boils down to how much the subjectivity of judges is called into question by informed spectators and observers of the sport, and it seems to me that it happens a lot less in sports like hockey, soccer, and basketball than it does in figure skating and gymnastics. That doesn't mean it never happens, though.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff