Originally Posted By: Ross Wellington
Where is your disk drive or CD ROM drive located? They typically have permanent magnet brushless DC motors in them.

It's a netbook, so there's no optical drive! smile

Originally Posted By: msaeger
Maybe there is a magnetic switch for telling the lid is closed ?

I don't think so, I don't remember it being like that before. I didn't notice it yesterday until I went to put a thumb drive in the USB port that's right underneath that paper clip, and the thumb drive was clearly being magnetically pulled to the side of the computer. So I tried a few other metal objects and sure enough it was magnetized for some reason. It was pretty strong, too. I'll have to get it out today and see if it's still doing that, or if it was just the house I had it out at yesterday.

[/quote]Or it's possessed smile[/quote]
I think you're on to something here.