we had parrafin heaters

We had a paraffin heater that you put under the sump of the car in winter. In the late 40's, we had the first car in the street with a heater, you took it to the garage for them to switch it on in the autumn and off in the spring!
We had gas fires in all rooms, but my father precluded their use until we had at least three sweaters on: If he was away, my mother was open to persuasion very easily!
Ah, now Young's that's a pint I could do with now, to me Tetley, Theakston and the Smiths don't hit the spot, I would only put Shepherd Neames on a higher rung!

"They, asked me how I knew,
it was Esso blue,
I, of course, replied,
With some brands you buy,
Smoke gets in your eyes"

It has just come back to me that we used to be given a tablespoon of paraffin (Nor Esso, out of a medicine bottle) each morning, for our health. Revolting, I wonder what it was meant to do?

Edited by boxer (07/03/2010 14:43)
Edit Reason: Revulsion
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag