sorry, back to topic.

just looked at a review. It's Phat everything isn't it! Phatbox, Phatdock, Phatman, Phatcables, Phatnoise, Phatmusic, Phatspam, spamPhatspamspam, PhatPhatspamPhat.

Isnt it based on Iomega devices? I know that some people on this board use it so I'm not totally bagging it (I have my empeg and i'm happy). It just seems like they repackaged stuff and did an car(Phat)dock and software.

still, horses for courses.

Speaking of cricket, sorry about the loss eh chaps?

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?